Monday, April 6, 2020

Virtual Visit During Quarantine - Park 127 Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site

The poem fog in Sandburg's handwritingTonight, from the comfort of our couches, we traveled to Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site. We explored their virtual museum which has information about his early life, his various jobs, career, many awards and notoriety, and details about the home he lived in that is on this site.

My favorite part of this visit was learning about his folk songs and hearing him play them along with guitar: I sang many of these as a child in school music class! 

The site has selections of Sandburg's poetry which provide a great overview to get to know his works - or to enjoy favorites: The poems about child labor were particularly impressive and horrifying, giving a vivid understanding of that time period. 

Carl Sandburg in his Michigan Home Office
The website also has activities for kids and Catherine and I made a poem in the style of Sandburg to finish off our visit: 
Here they are:

The Dirt

The dirt is dark chocolate

It looks like crumbled brownies

It smells like honesty

It feels like the weight of my ancestors

It tastes like hard work

It makes me feel hope
- Muriel 

Daffodils are Grandma’s favorite.

They look like sun shining up from the grass.

They smell like Spring itself, knocking at your door.
The sound like bike spokes turning an d children laughing.
The feel like breathe-easy memories of better times come to life again
They taste like the salt of sweat on your lip and the sweet of fresh fruit, juice running down your wrist.
Daffodils make me feel like I’m home again.

This visit was nicely interactive and we learned a lot that inspired us to watch another video interview with Carl Sandburg on youtube. That is the best that a NPS site can do!!

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